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Our Services and Solutions


PASE-Solutions provides a range of services in relation to Systems Engineering, from designing a knowledge-centric Process-Aided Systems Engineering environment suited to the Customer's needs and market to improving existing, in-house Product Development Systems.

In support to the above main services, PASE-Solutions can also provide training and coaching to facilitate the acceptance and implementation of the new and improved processes

Finally, PASE-Solutions offers services in relation to demonstrating compliance with SAE ARP4754  / ARP4754A and RTCA DO-178B /C, including, training and coaching; process compliance improvement; Process Assurance / Quality Assurance.


Improve In-house Development Processes

PASE-Solutions provides a number of services in relation to improving in-house development processes and engineering systems.

The improvement is proposed by following a structured approach:

- Based on recent and current development programs, collect lessons learned, gather expectations from management and technical community and listen to community through targeted workshops

- Perform a gap analysis between the as-is and the to-vbe

- Propose improvements

- Plan  in-house development processes and engineering systems enhancement following a staged upgrade

- Execute plan


Optimize Product Development Life Cycle


PASE-Solutions provides a number of services in relation to enhancing and optimizing an established Company Product Development Process, ensuring compliance to major systems engineering standards, in particular, ensuring compliance with SAE ARP4754 A.

The following section provides an overview of a typical assessment

First, perform a survey of the existing product development process features, such as the defined life cycle, the existing Product Development plans, practices and standards.

A particular focus is set on discovering inefficiencies that typically lead to poor quality, cost and schedule overruns, etc.

Second, identify an optimized sequence of product development processes and activities, based on the goals of the Company in conjunction with solutions to the inefficiencies identified in the first step.

Finally, in parallel,

-          Set-up or update the product development artefacts, such as the plans, standards and practices, and if required, the requirements specifications, the design deliverables, the validation and verification deliverables and the compliance demonstration artefact.

-          Provide training, coaching and mentoring on the optimized product development process to the teams that are called to following the optimized product development process

-          Set measures, quality gates / Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to ensure that the optimized product development process is efficiently followed

For an overview of ARP4754 A, please click here

For an example of a Product Development Plan Template please click here

Compliance with ARP4754 / ARP4754A


PASE Solutions can help Customers in multiple ways, from a simple intervention to a full implementation of processes compliant with ARP4754 A


The following are providing examples of services


Simple intervention: provide and customize templates for the artefacts required by ARP4754 A.  A Development Plan template can be down loaded from this site as a sample (link to  Product Development Plan Template Example )


Full Intervention, leading to an in-depth revisit of the Company way of working in order to achieve compliance with ARP4754 A objectives.

The picture illustrates a typical process, summarized below.

  • Step 1: perform a Gap Analysis between ARP4754 A objectives and expectations and the Company existing Product Development Life Cycle Process (if it exists).  Identify the areas where improvements are required. 

  • Step 2: plan the upgrade, based on the Gap Analysis.  The intent is not to re-invent the wheel, but to build as much as possible on existing processes and practices, especially if they are followed, although not clearly documented.  The upgrade should be performed in a staged approach, in order to minimize the disruption of the Company daily activities.

  • Step 3: execute the stage upgrade to the existing Product Development Life Cycle Process, along with assessment gates and KPIs to measure adherence to optimized processes and correct implementation approach when required as fast as possible.

  • Step 3’: provide training in slight advance to the introduction of upgraded processes and provide coaching and mentoring during the implementation.

  • Step 4: implement a continuous improvement process to ensure that upgraded processes are followed in a repetitive and systematic fashion.

For an example of a review checklist (DO-178B Table A-3 Objectives)

Read more
Compliance with DO178B

PASE-Solutions provides a number of services in relation to demonstrating compliance with DO-178B

-          Document templates upgrade or elaboration

-          Carry out or support SOI audits

-          Peer Review process support

-          Quality Assurance activities



DO-178B Documents:

-          DO-178B Plans and standards:

Plan for Software Aspects of Certification

Software Development Plan

Software Verification Plan

Software Configuration Management Plan

Software Quality Assurance Plan

Software Requirements Standard

Software Design Standard

Coding Standard

-          DO-178B Life Cycle Deliverables:

Software Requirements Specifications / High Level Requirements (HLR) Document

Software Design Document / Low Level Requirements (LLR)

Software Verification / Test Procedures and Results

Requirements to Verification Procedures and Results trace matrices

Software Accomplishment Summary

Software Configuration Index Document

Software Life Cycle Environment Configuration Index


DO-178B SOI1; SOI2; SOI3 and SOI4 Audits + Job Aid


PASE Solutions can provide services ranging from carrying out SOI audits, based on structured checklists and producing audit report coming in support to a software certification campaign to supporting preparation for Customer-driven or Certification Authority-driven SOI audits (e.g., completing the job aid and assess readiness; provide support in areas not to the expected level, etc.)


DO-178B Peer Review Process Support


PASE Solutions can develop artefacts to come in support of review processes (in relation to DO-178B sections 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3, 6.3.4,,, 6.4.3).  These artefacts include checklists, guidelines, training and coaching material, etc.

A checklist to assess compliance to DO-178B Table A-3 Objectives for a DAL A software: High Level Requirements (HLR) review is provided as a sample. 

The checklist also provides additional guidance and references to the FAA Job Aid


PASE Solutions can also provide training and coaching in performing peer reviews


DO-178B Software Quality Assurance Activities


PASE Solution can provide software quality assurance services, based on DO-178B Section 8, including DO-178B artifact sample review, support milestone reviews (PDRs, CDR, etc.), perform software configuration management audits, software conformity assessments (DO-178B section 8.3)

Training _Course Curriculum

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